There are many factors that contribute to these frightening and concerning statistics, and driver distraction is one of them. Drivers texting and talking on their cells, eating, even putting on makeup. We’re sure you’ve seen them. One news report showed a woman steering with her feet while she ate and texted. Holy mackerel. Can you imagine? And how safe is it for anyone, driving any kind of vehicle, with those people on the road?
As a concerned parent or guardian, it’s in everyone’s best
interest if you can talk to your school about putting a Yacker Tracker on a
school bus. No matter how experienced and careful the drivers are, it’s too
easy to become distracted. Children and teenagers seem to bring chatter and
shrieking wherever they go, and this can cause a driver to focus on that almost
involuntarily. Those few moments can be the distraction that causes an accident.
The same is true if you’re driving a
van or motorhome. Yacker Trackers can be installed using the adapter and
batteries. Your young passengers will quickly get the message that loud noises
while in a moving vehicle are not okay. It’s a small investment to make to keep
everyone safe on the streets and highways. You can decide together which noise
level is acceptable. Make them part of the experience and teach them safe
driving habits at the same time. Even though they’re kids, they might just
thank you when you get them to where they’re going in one piece. Even if they
don’t, the other parents will. And your local schools might throw you a parade.
Please See our
Products and get started on the right road. And be careful out there!